There comes a time in life when your friends have been there through most of it. The thick and thin. The Ins and outs. The Victories and the Heartaches. And you stop and realize they will be here forever. They are quite literally A BFF. Not like when you say it in Grade School and then by lunch you are mad because they like the same boy as you. I have become aware of this. The BFF affect recently. How special it is to not only get older, but get older with someone. Friends growing older together is, in my opinion, just as special as growing old with a Husband/Wife. They usually have known you longer and hide your secrets in their hearts. So today I am honoring that with My BFF.
This woman, April Rose Barajas, is my BFF. She owns a part of my heart no one else can touch. (I am crying already..oh great) She has been an inspiration and encourager of mine for over 14 years!!!
MY BFF is one of the strongest women I know. She is articulate and knows herself in ways I have yet to even grasp. She speaks with authority and rarely doubts her abilities. She owns her powerful strength with grace and it is quite sexy to be a woman on top! ;)
My BFF has always inspired me. I have always said I'm good at picking friends. When we were in highschool she was always driven and focused. BUT also just a little bit too cool for me. She listened to The Living End and skanked to Save Ferris all the while tackling AP courses. Our love for Rob Thomas brought us together but our love for eachother kept us friends. I, on the other hand, slacked off, buried myself in theatre and barely graduated. Even though that was the case she pushed me to try harder because she was so amazing.
My BFF is one of the most beautiful women I know. Her style is unmatched. THIS HAS ALWAYS BEEN THE CASE! She could apply eyeliner and rock red lipstick before it was retro and cool. Everyone I know has at one point or another said "April always looks so nice" and I often have to re-look at myself in the mirror before going out with her because I know she will ALWAYS out-cute me but I want to avoid the "How are those two even friends, that girl has no style" Stares ;)
My BFF has a sensitive heart. She is so loving and caring. She will go out of her way to help someone in need. She was there when my mom was in the hospital near death and I cried with her when her father passed away. We have seen eachother through really bad heartache...I mean REALLY BAD. Not my story to tell, but **** you are a jackass and don't deserve to even think of her anymore.
MY BFF is quite quirky. When in highschool we weren't allowed to give her Dr. Pepper due to the wacky-ness that would ensue. She also created an alter ego called "Mama" who wore moo-moo's, was in love with Tony Danza and jammed to Desiny's Child. (that is impressive character development!)
April Rose, I love you beyond words. As you go through life you learn lesson after lesson. You grow and change. And I can honestly say that in this life all the growth I have encountered has just opened my eyes more and more to what an amazing life-long very best friend you are. I don't know what I'd do without you and your love and your advice. I have loved growing up with you. And I look forward to growing old with you. You mean the world to me. "I want to push you around"...not really...maybe sometimes...not really. :)
Your BFF
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