Soooo, you know how most days I'm all deep and stuff. I'm all like, "come search the caverns of my mind and heart with me while I posit profound (me thinks) ideas about being a better person"
And then I write posts like this one.
It is NO SECRET that I can go from indifferent spectator to devoted Fanatic in 1.695 seconds. This phenomena has occured in record time recently and I just couldn't help myself but to write about it.
This, my Dear Friends, is Norman Reedus. He is currently starring on the hit AMC show The Walking Dead and I have spent the last 2 weeks enveloped in a zombie filled world catching up for Season 3.
If you don't watch this show, I whole-heartedly encourage you to do so. Especially if you enjoy Guts and Gore and little girls getting their brains blown out. And I mean...who doesn't, right?
*raises hand*
Yeah, Me. I don't. I mean, not normally. But this show is Sensational and This man is, I'd say, 87% of the reason why.
His character is so complex and he is the badassiest of badasses.
So I immediately IMDB'd Mr. Daryl Dixon to see who this fine actor was. I needed to know the person who could make me literally say out loud in Ep 1 "Ugh, I hate him." Then with each one that followed have me fully engaged in his motives, his backstory, his complexities and his heart.
Then, when that wasn't enough (because for a fanatic such as myself it never is) I hit the Youtube. And after that first interview my heart was won. Whilst on the Internet Movie Database I found that Mr. Reedus was 43. With the first smile and beautifully young candor, this man taught me that age is, in fact, merely a number and SO much is yet to come out of this amazing, crazy, fabulous life of mine.
Now, God Bless him, Norman has all corners of the social media world covered. And he posts...A LOT! And I just don't have the will power to not consume everything he serves up. Which has lead to a frenzied fangirl type adoration which closely matches the NSYNC hysteria of 1999 or the RxBandits Stalking of 2004. And it has made me question myself and my sanity.
I am, for all intents and purposes, an intelligent woman. I have my whits about me and am never spoon fed anything. I philosophize and ponder and come to conclusions about life that make me grow and become better. And for some reason I feel a since of shame being so devoted to someone you don't know. So why is it that I can get lost so fast in this way?
And I think the reason is this:
It keeps my mind focused for a bit. I can perserverate for hours on fantasy, create scenarios and fall into a crazy dream-like stupor. And this, for the moment, is an escape. And you know what? I rather enjoy it.
So, I hereby own it. I am a Norman Reedus fangirl. I spend lots of time watching him talk. I have heard about how Daryl is an "Al-Anon member and not an Alcoholics Anonyous member" who "needs a hug but if you tried to he will stab you" a thousand times. And, We Live Together New York is in constant rotation.
Norman, if you read this, which I'm certain you will not (how crazy do I sound? VERY? Ok, cool) You have inspired me.
Monologue Mondays will commense once I get a computer up and running. Also, you can bet I will be gracing you all with my vocal stylings far more often.
I have talent and more than that, artistic endeavors of any kind fill me with purpose. I enjoy loosing myself in another's emotion and swirling notes with my voice. The idea of it all has me elated.
So, Thanks Norman.
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I am, for all intents and purposes, an intelligent woman. I have my whits about me and am never spoon fed anything. I philosophize and ponder and come to conclusions about life that make me grow and become better. And for some reason I feel a since of shame being so devoted to someone you don't know. So why is it that I can get lost so fast in this way?
And I think the reason is this:
It keeps my mind focused for a bit. I can perserverate for hours on fantasy, create scenarios and fall into a crazy dream-like stupor. And this, for the moment, is an escape. And you know what? I rather enjoy it.
So, I hereby own it. I am a Norman Reedus fangirl. I spend lots of time watching him talk. I have heard about how Daryl is an "Al-Anon member and not an Alcoholics Anonyous member" who "needs a hug but if you tried to he will stab you" a thousand times. And, We Live Together New York is in constant rotation.
Norman, if you read this, which I'm certain you will not (how crazy do I sound? VERY? Ok, cool) You have inspired me.
Monologue Mondays will commense once I get a computer up and running. Also, you can bet I will be gracing you all with my vocal stylings far more often.
I have talent and more than that, artistic endeavors of any kind fill me with purpose. I enjoy loosing myself in another's emotion and swirling notes with my voice. The idea of it all has me elated.
So, Thanks Norman.
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:) I found him in Boondock Saints and was very pleasantly surprised to come across him again in Walking Dead
ReplyDeleteYes. I wish I had known of his greatness then. would have made 17 year old me a little cooler. I have so much catching up to do ;)