Thursday, August 9, 2012

I'm your biggest fan, I'll follow you until you love me.


Hi. My name is Krystle and I'm an uber fan. Magazines such as these were my crack cocaine as a pre-pubescent girl and I salivated over every last trivial detail regarding my favorite celebrity crushes. Ask me what Justin Timberlakes favorite childhood toy was and I could tell you. (It was toy guitars BTW) Oh, you didn't care? Too bad. Somehow this made me feel closer to them. Like I knew them. We were friends.

Ok. ok. Before you get all "you are verging on crazy stalker status". I never hid in their closets or anything disturbing like that. I may have written silly love notes in hopes they'd see my heart and fall in love with me. Which, now that I think of it, is far more embarrasing.

I entered adulthood never really ridding myself of this fanatisicm. When I learned I could follow bands/musicians of the underground variety and ACTUALLY TALK TO THEM!! I was hooked. I soon became on a first name basis with some of the greatest artists of my day (you know, in my humble opion) and basked in their inspiring glow.

*Enter the advent of Social Media*

Uh oh! Now normal people can be stalked and you can know frivilous things about them too! You can spend hours looking at their pictures and reading how amazing their lives are. It is socially acceptible to share too much information with the world and have "followers". Even more so, it is totally cool to "follow" strangers and comment on their daily lives. At first this seemed ideal. I was normal afterall. Everyone does it now. I wasn't so weird to memorize things about someone I had never met and *ahem* kinda feel an attachment to them based on this information. So TOTALLY O.K.

Except...It's kinda not. ESPECIALLY for me. One of my Best Friends once told me that I am not just a friend. That I'm more like a fan of the people I love. It was one of the best compliments I could have ever recieved, because I was a VERY PASSIONATE fan. So if that same fervor showed through in my love of REAL PEOPLE then I must be doing something right. But you see, the problem is, I'm a fan of the people I love. So it's just a slippery slope when it comes to having access to intel on actual people I can talk to. Soon I'm daydreaming about being their best friend and what fun we will have. OR planning our fictional first date.

So I guess what I'm saying is...I need an intervention. A Fanatics intervention. I need to limit the amount of useless propoganda I insert in this ravenous brain and instead fill it with things like philosophy and How awesome I am.

Honestly, I kind of feel like I should only know about you the things you tell me personally. Because that is when you are actually saying "I trust you. You are a friend." So feel free to share with me whatever you want. But I'm going to try and limit the amount of facts I gather via the interwebs and wait patiently for you to invite me in.

Hey, Did you know that Morgan  met her husband on Myspace and had a Tiffany inspired wedding?! Like that...things like that. Guh! This is going to be hard!

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