Thursday, October 17, 2013
I know what I want...but not if I deserve it...yet.
What's on your list?
You know, THE list. What are you looking for in the one you'll call your forever person? What will your life be made up of? Where will you live? What kind of kids will you have? How do you want be percieved?
We all dream of what our lives will look like. What they'll feel like. We make plans in our brains and hold fast and hard to those ideals.
I have always wanted to be Loved. Sounds simple, right? But true unconditional Love, is hard to come by. I wanted to be loved the way a love song feels. I wanted to be someone's world. I dreamed of a love that was hard but worth it, a man who couldn't imagine life without me.
All of this may sound incredibly idyllic. But what can I say, I loved me some fairytales.
And guess what?!
I have all of that! I have a man who loves me with his whole heart. Who has worked incredibly hard to grow and support me in every endeavor I tackle. He is loving, affectionate, quick to apologize (after being defensive when I lash ones perfect) He makes me feel like a Muse for a love song. Someone who shapes a life because of the love they have found in them. It's incredible isn't it? Loving someone else can change you so much.
But I digress.
The thing is...
I never thought about the love I would give. My focus was solely based in selfishness. A fully outward expectation of someone else. I never thought, "I want to be slow to anger. I want to encourage my guy and make coming home blissful."
Instead, I still react on selfish notions and unrealistic expectations. Despite the unconditional love I am recieving all I muster is a love full of stipulations and contract voiding clauses.
I'm learning the harsh reality of living in my chidhoods daydream.
I am somewhat lost lately as to what I want in life. Who I want to be etc. I do know, however, that I want to be loving. I want to stop my selfishness and let a man who has loved me so perfectly know that he is worthy of that same love in return.
I am at war with myself in this. Selfishness is my resting place, it's my nature. It calls to me in every moment telling me how I am being wronged by every person. And yet, a not as powerful voice whispers that love is my desire. That selflessness is a better life.
It's a daily battle and I'm hoping that I can turn up the volume on the latter and make the first obsolete...maybe when I'm 80.
So what kind of love do you give your partner? This world? And how to you squelch your selfishness?
Thursday, September 19, 2013
Your new best friend is you!
She comes walking in and you think, "I'm SO HAPPY to see her." Her smile lights you up and you return the gesture in abundance. As you walk along laughing and talking all you know is that she is your best friend and she makes your life better.
I get out of the car and catch a glimpse of myself in the window. "This shirt makes me look like a heffer," "I really should do my hair more often," "Make-up! Why do I neglect it so?!" I shrug my shoulders and continue on to meet my best friend. Her smile lights me up inside.
I don't know about you, but I NEVER think of my friends in a superficial way. That's what love imparts. You love them. Their heart, their character. The rest DOES NOT matter. You view your loved ones with a deeper meaning. Even thinking of disliking them or judging them based on their appearance is a seriously ridiculous notion.
So, why then, do we do this to ourselves DAILY?!
We should most definitely treat ourselves with the same tender accepting love that we offer to those around us. It should be JUST AS INSANE to look upon our form with judgement and criticism.
For some reason, when faced with a reflection, we become a shell of a person. All we see is our exterior features. We forget that we are lovely for so many reasons that are more than just what can be seen with a cursory glance.
So I call us all to remember we are more than an outward reflection. If only that mirror also flashed at you, "You are so kind", and "Your smile makes other people smile...EVERY TIME", and "Your heart is brave", Then maybe we would remember that that zit and extra weight is not what we are really made up of.
So I say look in the mirror and put content back in that superficial view of yourself. Put yourself in context. If you forego make-up say, "That sleep was SO worth it." And walk confidently through the day knowing that rest is important to you and judgement from others doesn't matter.
Judgement from yourself though, that matters. That even kills. So please battle your inner voices with positivity and love yourself the way you love everyone else. Believe me, You deserve it!
Thursday, September 5, 2013
Goodbyes can be good.
I've talked before about my need to be liked.
And it's crippling affects.
However, for someone who desires approval and takes guilt on themselves to smooth things over etc. I have had people flat out say "I don't want you in my life anymore" on numerous occasions.
Is this common for friends? I understand growing apart and I've had that too. But do most people experience adult friends saying, "I'm not your friend anymore" that often?
This mentality and action was beyond my comprehension for a long time. It would literally leave me enraged when my friends would cut people off and out of their lives. I would think, "How can you compartmentalize people like that?!" and "It hurts so much to have that done, how can you be so mean to someone who still cares for you?"
When it happened to me the first time I remember thinking, "If this person, who knows me better than anyone else, thinks I'm awful and not worth it. I must not be."
(My mind is so mean, huh?!)
I have had to overcome this thought hurdle. I have had to try and reason that I am worth it every day. EVERY DAY.
Recently, it happened again. However, the conundrum was that I did everything differently. And this time, I just let them go. I didn't beg them to stay or worry myself daily with the ways to woo an ex-friend.
Don't misunderstand, I still love her very much. I just couldn't do that to MYSELF. There are days when I miss her, or see something that would look so cute in her house. I often think about my wedding (as girls do) and wonder if we'll make up and she'll be there flowers in hand crying as I walk down the aisle. Which often leads to the internal struggle of reaching out.
Then I remember, I'm not the one who left. I didn't quit.
This leads to a question:
Do you have a criteria for friends? One as comprehensive as the list you may make for a spouse? Or do you just let people in who you gel with. They may be flawed, they may gossip a little too much for your liking and tend to be greedy with food, but you just let it slide because you are friends.
I've been thinking lately that there should be a balance of the qualities you look for and forgiveness when creating a life with people. No matter what role they embody.
I have spent 31 years desiring approval and I didn't think to myself, "Hey, maybe you should decide what you want in a friend." It never occured to me that I was worthy of someone who wouldn't leave.
I have AMAZING friends. I see phenomenal qualities in people and gravitate towards them. And have felt SO BLESSED to have them in my life.
But then there are times when friends stop being friendly, and we all should have the confidence to step away if need be.
I am lucky enough to have friends who are:
In return I strive to be the same. I am chronically forgiving.
But that does not equate to letting every angry word land in my heart with the weight of the truth.
Angry words, Upset intentions and Wounded feelings are often muddled and need time to become clear.
We are all flawed. We can all be hurtful. But Love is a choice and choosing wisely whom you Love is important.
It hurts to have someone quit on you. But I understand that we all need to choose the best people for ourselves.
Everyone is not trying to hurt eachother, they are just trying to protect themselves. And there is nothing wrong with that.
Friday, August 23, 2013
How do you make motivational quotes a reality?
I seriously just spent a good amount of time scheming ways to get a girl who, I'm pretty sure has never liked me, to, you know, now like me.
"Maybe I should write her a letter. Maybe I can ask her to hang out. Maybe I can just call out the fact that I don't think she liked me and apologize for whatever it is that I did..."
Then I realized. This pretty much sums up my life. My prison (as emo as that sounds) This incredibly overwhelming desire to be liked. To be the person that EVERYONE likes.
I called in sick to work yesterday. I was feeling HORRIBLE. Needless to say when you call your boss at 3am he isn't too happy with you. And then I felt even worse.
"What will I say when I go in tomorrow? Should I apologize? Should I list all of my current ailments and tell him my boyfriend HAS been telling me I should see a Dr."..Blah Blah Blah
NOTHING rolls of my shoulders. They are square and jagged and everything gets caught up and stays a VERY long time.
An epiphany hit me not too long ago, maybe it was just more of an observation. It was that people who aren't me don't take so much stock in the approval of others. Don't get me wrong, I don't think I am the only member of this lonely club. But I DO KNOW that there are those who feel confidence in themselves and their decisions and don't seek constant validation elsewhere.
I have live my life EXACTLY the way the above quote says not to.
Every decision I make every think I think spins around every person in my life. Even those people I haven't met yet. The ones that one day will be impressed with me and want to be my friend.
And I'm tired, guys.
The truth is all the motivational quotes in the world don't change my life. I have to change my life.
I see these nuggets of love and joy and self-confidence and think, "Yes!THIS!", and then I continue living exactly the way I have for always.
I want so badly to be done with negative thinking and approval seeking.
I even just deleted a list of things about myself of things I think I need to defend myself about. I DON'T! It's my life and it is insane that I feel the need to proactively defend what I think you will judge me about.
Please if you have input/tips on how to toughen up and get smoother shoulders please pass them along.
And as hypocritical as it sounds, Caring what others think is so not worth it. So if you, too, are on in this club on the other side of the dark room lets turn on the lights, not judge eachother and get through this. Cause it needs to stop.
Love ya,
Thursday, June 27, 2013
Therapuetic Evolution
I've deleted the last 4 sentences I've typed. Which is very telling of my recent state in life. Haulted.Paused.Stuck.Thinking.Thinking.Thinking...
Probably also the reason I have been avoiding this space.
Profound musings haven't been a friend of mine lately. So why bore you with, "I, um, ate a bagel today. I forgot how much I love bagels...THE END."
But creativity begats creativity, at least that is what I'm telling myself, and I am here to push through this stagnant stretch.
I want to come to you with confidence and happiness. Gems of wisdom that inspire. Yet I've created this persona that is painfully aware of my flaws and as of yet unable to speak with bold know-how when the only thing I am certain about is there is still so much to learn.
Who am I to...
Actually just...
Therapy works wonders. Full of "Ah-Ha!" moments and comfort in the fact that there is a way to work through it all. However, it has also lead me down the path of wondering where I stand now. Who am I really? If I'm not the girl who is "enslaved by my need for others' approval" or the "fixer?" Then who am I? All the traits I thought were enate qualities in me are now just an evolutionary process that helped me not to hurt or to make friends etc.
In this I have learned to stifle my introversion in public settings. I can muster giggles and bubbly candor. I can smile and empathize with everything you say. And I like that when I do this I make people around me feel loved and wanted and interesting and appreciated. However, it is also REALLY draining. It is opposite of EVERY interaction that took place in my household growing up. At home it was "shut-up!", "noone cares", "give me what I want", "you are such an annoyance to me", etc.
So who am I? How do I balance myself? When do I stop questioning every single thing in my life and just start living it?
Life is not something you settle for and settling has nothing to do with jumbled thoughts you need to weed through to make sure this is the right path. Settling is choosing to be unhappy where you are. Settling is having a shoulder-shrug attitude about what your life can be. It isn't the job, the guy, the car etc. Sure if those things start hurting you and you aren't as joyful as you should be get rid of those things, but I'm certain that choosing joy isn't depedent upon having everything perfect.
And here I am battling my knowledge and feelings yet again.
Cause the truth is, I FEEL blah. I have chosen to settle into life lately and I am utterly disgusted by it.
I'm still in charge of my own happiness, not my poor, loving, wonderful, giving boyfriend. not my amazingly generous and supportive friends, and not my mother, sister, brother or dog.
So Who am I?
I still don't know. But I think the better question to ask daily is
Who Do I Want To Be?
And I can honestly say I am mostly her already. And I have a lifetime to figure out the rest.
Probably also the reason I have been avoiding this space.
Profound musings haven't been a friend of mine lately. So why bore you with, "I, um, ate a bagel today. I forgot how much I love bagels...THE END."
But creativity begats creativity, at least that is what I'm telling myself, and I am here to push through this stagnant stretch.
I want to come to you with confidence and happiness. Gems of wisdom that inspire. Yet I've created this persona that is painfully aware of my flaws and as of yet unable to speak with bold know-how when the only thing I am certain about is there is still so much to learn.
Who am I to...
Actually just...
Therapy works wonders. Full of "Ah-Ha!" moments and comfort in the fact that there is a way to work through it all. However, it has also lead me down the path of wondering where I stand now. Who am I really? If I'm not the girl who is "enslaved by my need for others' approval" or the "fixer?" Then who am I? All the traits I thought were enate qualities in me are now just an evolutionary process that helped me not to hurt or to make friends etc.
In this I have learned to stifle my introversion in public settings. I can muster giggles and bubbly candor. I can smile and empathize with everything you say. And I like that when I do this I make people around me feel loved and wanted and interesting and appreciated. However, it is also REALLY draining. It is opposite of EVERY interaction that took place in my household growing up. At home it was "shut-up!", "noone cares", "give me what I want", "you are such an annoyance to me", etc.
So who am I? How do I balance myself? When do I stop questioning every single thing in my life and just start living it?
Life is not something you settle for and settling has nothing to do with jumbled thoughts you need to weed through to make sure this is the right path. Settling is choosing to be unhappy where you are. Settling is having a shoulder-shrug attitude about what your life can be. It isn't the job, the guy, the car etc. Sure if those things start hurting you and you aren't as joyful as you should be get rid of those things, but I'm certain that choosing joy isn't depedent upon having everything perfect.
And here I am battling my knowledge and feelings yet again.
Cause the truth is, I FEEL blah. I have chosen to settle into life lately and I am utterly disgusted by it.
I'm still in charge of my own happiness, not my poor, loving, wonderful, giving boyfriend. not my amazingly generous and supportive friends, and not my mother, sister, brother or dog.
So Who am I?
I still don't know. But I think the better question to ask daily is
Who Do I Want To Be?
And I can honestly say I am mostly her already. And I have a lifetime to figure out the rest.
Sunday, April 14, 2013
Grateful for my Loving Appreciation of Beauty and Excellence.
I am currently reading (And have been for months now) Authentic Happiness by Martin Seligman. It is the follow up to Learned Optimism, which I had read last year.
Among the millions of life pushing, Encouraging inspiration it offers is the Character Strength test. This test asks you a myriad of questions about your preferences in life and then ranks your character strengths in ascending order.
I enjoy learning more about myself. It's fun. I'm confusing, yo, and any help I can get to decode is a welcomed experience. So I eagerly filled out the questionnaire and hit finish. What came next was not necessarily a revelation or something new.
My top Strength is The Capacity to Love and Be Loved, Followed closely by Appreciation of Beauty and Excellence and Gratitude.
I had high hopes for this intel. "Finally!" I thought, "I'll be able to find a fulfilling career path and dwell in contentment because I will live in alignment with my core values/strengths"
But WHAT ON EARTH does one do with those strengths?
I am too abstract even for my own liking.
I have sat back thinking and dwelling on this for a while now. And still have come up with very little in the way of marrying these strengths and weaving them into a substantial calling in life.
But what I do know for sure is that I need to practice them more often.
Contentment comes when I bite my tongue and choose loving words instead, when I hit the road and revel in the beauty of nature, when I attend a ballet and tear up at the talent the dancers posses, and when I sit down and dwell on what makes me grateful about this life.
None of these things will produce any kind of income. I hope to find a way to live out a calling that encompasses them all at some point.(if you have any ideas I'd love to hear them) But I will just start doing them all and maybe one day the stars will align, I will notice I am doing them all at once and therein will lie my passion work.
What are your core strengths? How do you live them out?
Wednesday, April 10, 2013

She stood there, hands gripped together and her mouth suddenly very dry. She listened to one of her favorite melodies accompanied by a sporadic beat. As she closed her eyes she transcended the room and the drumming seemed to dissipate. Then the music stopped and the thumping returned.
She took her mark, got her starting note, and tried to sustain the breath she knew she'd need.
And for once she did something with confidence and didn't let fear win.
I sing. And I'm not going to play the gracious humble girl right now...I'm pretty damn good at it. But, for some reason, I have not done much with the gift I was given. Though it has been a dream of mine to be on stage since I was as little as I can remember, there was always a fear, an excuse, as to why I wasn't good enough.
My teeth are crooked, I'm too fat, I can't dance, I can't do runs like Mariah Carey, I don't have enough training, They only cast people they know (which isn't entirely untrue) and the list could go on for quite some time. I have 31 years of excuses.
In fact, 2 1/2 weeks ago I had told my friend, "Oh, I'm not sure I can get the time off. I don't think I'll go to the audition" I realized I'd kick myself if I didn't at least try so I went to my boss and said, "SO there's this audition, but it's during my shift and it's TOTALLY FINE if I can't get a few hours off to go. I would TOTALLY understand." To which he said, "I'm sure we can work it out"
"Damn!" Now I HAD to go. And for reasons still unknown to this "If you Don't Try you can't really Fail" kind of girl I decided I was going to actually put an effort in. I was going to see a vocal coach and practice as much as possible. That combined with a slew of amazing encouragement from friends and family my faith in myself grew. I went in there and was called back for one of the most iconic roles ever and a role I had marked on my bucket list!
I don't know why I have always considered myself not quite good enough. No matter how many people told me I had a talent, I rebuttled in my own mind that there is always someone better. And during these last 2 weeks I have come to realize that if someone is better it is only because they have worked harder. I have internalized that I am just as talented as those I admire and the only thing holding me back is me. (Could that sound more cheesy?) Cheese or not, it's beyond truth.
So last night, I entered a building with one of my best friends and a new confidence in my abilities. When they called my name I stood there and gave one of the best performances of my life. I walked away knowing I couldn't have done anything better and to me that is a win!
Confidence is an amaing asset in this life. Belief in oneself means not worrying what other people think. I can truly say, whether I get the part or not, I KNOW I was one of the best people in that room, and it says NOTHING of my talent if they don't choose me.
Thank you to EVERYONE who helped me get to this point. And a special Thank You to Ms. Sharon Burley for bringing out of me what I knew I had in there somewhere. You are a GEM, Lovely Lady!
Eventually I will start in on the confidence I need in the rest of my life, but for now I will revel in this perfect moment.
Thursday, March 28, 2013
Living up to your own standards
I've recently become blatantly aware of the duality I live with. I think we all have growth we'd like to achieve or a vision of the person we'd like to become. This journey is definitely a constant. But how can one live so far out of touch with the the ideals they believe in?
I believe in Love
But I am so unloving. People like to pretend that love is easy. And when I say that my faith of choice is to live out the Love Jesus taught about without necessarily adopting all of the doctrine of the Christian religion people do not hold back with what they think. "Hippie" is a title I'm attributed quite often and hypocrite is another. Somehow the thought is "You're just picking the easy parts of faith." And I have got to say, Love is in NO WAY easy. The feeling of Love is easy. Emotions come with little work. However the actions of Love are ridiculously hard.
My Love has been tested over and over again recently. Living with your boyfriend causes lots of trials and tests and a GIANT MIRROR held up to your ability to love another. And there staring back at me was this woman, selfish and biting, prideful and unforgiving. In those moments hypocrisy reigns supreme and I wonder how I can live so far off my home base.
I am painfully self aware. How did this creep passed my over ruminating nature? It left me jaw-dropped and speechless.
Then something great also happened. I snapped my mouth shut, started up the engines of my mind and realized I'm still a pretty amazing person. I may not have Love all figured out. I may lose my cool, throw things and cry uncontrollably(sometimes)but I also realize when I've done a poor job at loving that day.
The effort is what matters most. And I am never done trying. I will most likely never live up to being the perfect embodiment of Love but I will try forever to get as close as possible. This calling is hard however the alternative is harder to live with. As Martin Luther King Jr. said:
"I have decided to stick with Love, Hate is too great a burden to bear."
So today I tell myself: Bite your tongue, doubt the negative, & let things go.
How can you Love better today?
Living up to,
Loving better,
Martin Luther King Jr.,
Thursday, March 7, 2013
Here I Am!

I think my roommate is trying to tell me something...
It's been over a month.
Lots of thoughts have entered my brain however none seemed "interesting enough" for this place. Which is a telling charactaristic. I want to be an interesting person. And when it comes down to it, I've been bored with myself lately.
I hadn't been dreaming big or doing any grand schemeing.
"What's new?" was always answered with, "Nothing much."
So here I am. With not much to say, yet still knowing my life is full no matter what season I am in.
And perhaps blogging is a way to make those dreams come alive. Just maybe my zest for joyful living works hand in hand with the refreshing reminders of what those ideas are by writing about them here. So I have done myself a great disservice.
No more of that poppycock.
So here is a summary of my life in bullet point list form:
* I moved in with my boyfriend in December (after only a month of dating...yep)
* My company was sold and I may be facing lay-off
* I discovered a love for the Mindy Project due to the fact that we are pretty much the same person.
* I want a red panda SO bad and am trying to come up with a way to make this legal
* I have decided to audition again. Les Miserable auditions are fast approaching and unprepared is an understatement
* Benedict Cumberbatch is my new celebrity crush *drool*
* I have realized what true friendship is
* I have come to the conclusion that living genuinely means owning that some of what you preach is a false indication of who you really are...(WHOLE BLOG POST TO COME)
* I have decided to obtain my Real Estate License! I'm SUPER excited
* I have gained close to 20 lbs. Yaay Love! See Also: SARCASM
* I now know I am capable of letting go. And that I don't need to hold on to things that no longer add to my life. (Also something that could use a deeper look)
* Creativity is DRASTICALLY MISSING from my life.
* I had my first orgasm during sex. So magical and amazing.
* I have been having a love affair with David Tutera and his gift of wedding event planning
* I haven't done laundry...literally since probably before my last blog. And I still have clean underwear.
* There are cupcakes in the Newsroom and I must go partake!
I promise to blog more. If not for my readers, for my own sense of purpose and fulfillment.
,# <-- Was meant to be <3
Tuesday, January 22, 2013
I Never Doubt You Future Husband
We'll fight. We'll be fluent in button pushing and forked tongue word-age. Sometimes you will tell me I'm too emotional (Because truthfully, I can be) And there will be days that I will interpret your young spirit as Man-childish and nag accordingly.
But I'll never doubt our Love.
I don't like doing dishes. Or folding laundry. Our home will look like a scene from Grey Gardens. You will tell me you've had enough and I will be stubborn. You will drive too fast. You will curse like a sailor and my delicate sensibilities will be affronted. I will call you out, and you will be defensive.
But our Love will never be called into question.
Sometimes we will misunderstand. Because fully understanding another person is near impossible. We are complex creatures, Love. We will try to make eachother see our points. We will try to open our eyes and hearts. We will do a tango all too familiar and end up sore and prostrate on the dance floor.
But we will never lose faith in our Love.
I have never felt more loved than this, Future Husband. Even our dark times seem full of light because our Love is radiant. You fill my heart with laugther and smiles far more than sadness. My belief in your brilliance far outweighs my sporadic jabs at immaturity. I'll take your old t-shirts along with the trust I have in you. You'll dry my frequent tears because you know my sensitive heart is one of the reasons you love me.
Know this, Future Husband, I don't doubt us. I may get upset. We may disagree. But that is all part of loving someone. Two imperfect people creating something beautiful.
I Love You.
Thursday, January 17, 2013
You don't hate reading, you just haven't found the right words.
“Do not read, as children do, to amuse yourself, or like the ambitious, for the purpose of instruction. No, read in order to live.” ― Gustave Flaubert
Reading and I have had an ebb and flow kind of relationship.
When I was a wee lass my mother would read to me every night. She would tell me to go pick a book and I would cuddle up in bed as she read in silly voices and with so much character. My favorites I would have memorized. I could not read as of yet, but I had the words hidden in my little heart. The books I adored most were from The Little Golden Books collection. Lady , about Lady and the Tramp was my all-time fave.
However, as I grew, my love of reading waned. I would not read my text books...EVER. Nothing caught my interest. I never read for enjoyment. I remember in 5th grade I read Heidi But my leisurely reading stopped there.
In high school, I was one of those people who said, "I'm not a reader. I hate reading." (I cringe at this now)
Then in my early 20s I realized I couldn't hold my own in conversations. I didn't know much about much and I thought, "I'm too smart to be representing myself this way." A fire ignited to learn and grow and fill my brain.
I truly believe reading builds vocabulary, feeds imagination and builds intellect.
It wasn't until the last few years where I found an actual LOVE of reading. I have found blogs and books and people who I connect with. Whose words bring me to tears and make me feel and think. And I believe there are writers out there for all of us. Almost like soul mates of the written word. Sometimes it's a song. Sometimes it's a poem and sometimes it is a blog post. But when you read those words pieced together it is a whole sensory experience. You are enveloped in the world they created and the emotions they are coveying. They inspire and encourage you to live life. REALLY live life!
I'm grateful to be a reading convert and I encourage you to find your written word connection. I believe there are words floating out there right now waiting to enter your heart and never leave. Keep trying.
Wednesday, January 2, 2013
Love is Special To Me!
This is Love. Not like she is God or anything, though I'm sure she wouldn't mind if you believed so. But, I mean, that is her name. At least it is to me. She is also my sister. Some may put a "step" at the beginning but to me she is on the single level, equal to me and does not require that adjective.
She has always cared about me beyond words. Taken interest in my life and made me feel important. When we were little she would quiz me on my NSYNC knowledge and ask me questions like "Who would you rather date? Devon Sawa or Elijah Wood?" (Umm Elijah!) She was more than just an annoying little siter. (Pick your own cereal!) She was and IS one of my very best good friends.
Love was kinda shy as a kid. But was SO MUCH FUN when at home. She could make me laugh and bring me out of a funk in a matter of seconds. And I always thought, "I wish everyone saw this side of her."
Then something happened. I wasn't there. I didn't see it. I'm assuming it was gradual. But it happened. She started letting other people see how amazing she was/is. She started shedding her guard and saying innapropriate things. It.Was.AWESOME.
Love IS an amazing person. She has an incredible sense of family and spent the first years of adulthood working her ass off while going to school so she could help support her dad. She took on responsibility no 19 year old should have to. When she should be out playing with friends and drinking a bit, she was riding the bus to the doctor and figuring shit out.
Love loves SO MUCH. She's not all loud about it like me. But she does. Her heart is so full of the people in her life. She would do anything to help them. She would forego her own happiness to see someone else smile...
And Love makes people smile, ALL THE TIME! She lights up any room she is in. With crazy antics or confusing metaphors. She makes every single person in the room feel like they are just as fun and important as anyone else in the room. She does not know a stranger. ANY place she frequents, i.e. doctors office, restaurant, gas station etc. knows her. And not just like a "Oh hey, I see that girl sometimes." No. She builds actual relationships and interactions. Makes up inside jokes and makes them feel special. She can't enter a room without it being a more joyful place after she has left.
Love, words can't do justice to the role you have played in this crazy life we have shared. From meeting on Singled Out to Officiating your wedding I would not trade a single moment of our lives together. You will forever be one of my best friends. I love you so so so so so much. You have made me feel beautiful at times I felt gross. Made me feel important when I felt insignifacnt and made me feel loved when I doubted love at all. I hope that I have been at least a fraction of as great as you have been to me. You are my best friend and I am so excited to see what other antics we get into.
Tuesday, January 1, 2013
Twenty Twelve
I think it is blogger mandate to write a poignant ending-of-the-year-looking-to-the-new-one post. And I don't do things just to fit in, or to live up to the status least I didn't think so. But here I am anyway :)
In 2012 came this beautiful outlook and life which spawned from one of my lowest points. To transform so much in just one year and literally feel ALL THE FEELINGS makes it one that will never be forgotten. A year that I will always look back on as a valley that I traversed up and out of to a precipice where I took a flying leap and that is where 2013 finds me.
I have grown in bravery. I have fought the negativity. And I have learned the art of acceptance and intention.
2012 has also taught me that I still care SO MUCH what people think. My emotions are chain-linked to the perceptions of others. "What are they going to say? What do I say to them when they say that thing? They are going to judge me, I just know it." Even when picturing my life. MY future. I think "what will be most impressive" It's always things I want to do. But I think, "If I don't do them. If I'm not impressive or don't have a great story to tell, Then I'm a failure"
I catch myself constantly making decisions based on the projected reactions/responses of others. This is, in part, due to the fact that my intuition is like a spidey-sense. It's kinda my super-power. You can't lie to me. I'll catch you. And It's REALLY hard to surprise me. (ok...maybe super-power is going too far)
Either way, using this "gift" all the time causes me to be weary.
I am not responsible for others reactions. I am only responsible for my own intentions.
Which brings me to the second fold of this gorgeous free-fall I am currently in the midst of.
It's true.
I always knew it to be the case. I was rarely told "No" growing up. However, I have spent a long time trying to shed my ridiculous sense of entitlement. So to realize it's still just as prevelent as before only exists in different forms is all kinds of disconcerting.
So here goes.
2013 I am soaring right into you. And with my new found wings come some new intentions for the year.
My Intention words/Theme for this year is:
I need to shed my need for approval yet gain the keys to unity. It sounds lofty. But I believe in both. I also want to continue on the path that this blog was founded on. That of infusing creativity into my every day life.
So there it is. I shall paste these words in my home. Wake up to them daily and remind myself of them throughout the year. I can only imagine how wonderful this year will be.
I am constantly learning this girl and I like her more each day.
I also have a man in my life that is willing to go through the muck with me. Dig in his heels and not give up. He teaches me about love every day. EVERY DAY. The girl who has made Love her mission is learning more regarding the depths of Love from a man whose intent is just to love her fully.
You are going to be amazing 2013!
2012 set you up for a Win!
**What are YOUR intentions for the year? What word(s) depict the year you'd like to live? Adventure? Embrace? Shed? Feel free to share!**
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