Thursday, November 1, 2012

Don't talk about it, Be about it

Ralphy Boy here is one of my absolute faves. His words always seem to resonate in all the corners of my being. I quote him often and say things like, "He's my fave," all the time. Sadly though, I have yet to read a whole work of his. I don't own one book by him. I know quotes. As far as my knowledge goes though the context could be crazy off. That quote could continue on to say, "...So stop theorizing about punching babies and just do it."

I realized after my last post that I talk and think a lot of things. And to some, including myself, reading about how someone should be living their life and not ever reading how she has actually implemented these things could be repetitive and not so much fun to read about. Granted, if by some miracle my realizations inspire others to take action, I could count this blog a win. However, what is an inspirer or a life lived soley in your mind?

I used to utterly loathe the term, "Actions speak louder than words." An Ex friend would say it ALL THE TIME. She would use it to prove herself right in situations. Stating that my words meant nothing. I would argue that my words reflect my heart and though I was working on changing it didn't mean that the words were void. WORDS ARE MY LIFE (to quote Never Been Kissed)

I have come to believe that neither words nor actions alone can prove a heart's desire or life's passion. It is the combined effort of both that create a fully intentional life.

So it's time I DO. BE the version of myself in my head. I don't have to travel to Africa to help people in need. I don't have to travel to be cultured. I don't have to move to New York and make cozy with the hip underground thespians to start acting again.

And most importantly I will never find community in other places until I find it right here. I say I want to live in harmony and be all hippie beatnik-y but the truth is I don't play well with others. Sure I'm a great friend. I will be there for you and listen and tell you how amazing you are. BUT bother me when I'm sleeping or have the audacity to be home with all the lights on when all I want to do is go to sleep and I'm all kinds of annoyed. This is not comprimise. This is not harmonious living. I'm rather Bitchy, guys. Seriously.

My point is this. I keep this picturesque life in my head perhaps because owning that I could live it out right here, right now, would mean giving up selfishness. Releasing control. And erasing ideals.

So to force my life into reality (Other than being in Love with Norman Reedus, that will be a constant. That man does something to me) I am vowing to have at least 2 action blogs a month. Recounting an action I've taken to live my best life. This will be both affirming and show me the progess I've made.

I'd love to hear what actions you've taken to be fully present and achiev-y in YOUR life! Did you take time to be grateful? Pay your bills even though you didn't want to? Eat a Salad instead of a Burger? Everything counts People! And I am quite good at encouragement so share away and let me praise your efforts!

If you want to know why sharing is good and why having me say how awesome you are is good for you read Eleni's Post  from today!

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