Monday, January 9, 2012

Guitar Playin' Diva Day 7!

I actually played a song on my GUITAR!!! I'm so proud of myself! It took me all day just to bang this out. But I still did it. At one point in my many practices I was overcome with so much joy that I was actually singing and accompanying myself on an instrument!

This is one of those life's goals things that is now on it's way to being crossed off that long list. So Awesome!

What have you always wanted to do but thought it would take too much time? I suggest you realize that it is in your reach. And time is one of the few things we have control over in this world! We better use it to fill our own Joy Jar and make it worth while!

I can honestly say all in all from buying the guitar to playign this song I probably spent less than 2 hours getting to this point. Just get out there and do it. You might surprise yourself at how little time it actually took. AND how much MORE time you want to give to it because it makes you feel so good! :)

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