Thursday, May 31, 2012

Someone Special To Me

I decided a Month or so ago that I wanted to start a series where I highlight the people in my life. Because, not to brag or anything, the people in my life are RIDICULOUSLY AMAZING! I mean it. I'm not sure how it happened. How this life became a place for some of the worlds finest to seek me out and befriend me. Or, even more of a blessing, own me and I them in the Title of Love we call family.

On this first venture into this I decided I wanted most to highlight someone who I miss terribly. Someone who God said "You are joined in a union no man can break. You are Sisters" And who I wish I talked to and saw More.

This is my amazingly GORGEOUS sister Shannon. She Has beautiful Blue eyes, a tiny waist & is a hip, cool, Tatted up Mom. She has a sensitive heart and tells it like it is.

When I was 15 and she 21 she would pick me up and take me to get Jamba Juice and hang out by the beach. She was the most beautiful, Cool Big sister and I felt a little bit more Cool just hanging out with her for the day. I felt a little more beautiful when people would call me "little Shannon." And I felt a little more confident knowing she liked to spend time with me.

My sister is an AMAZING mother. Her boys are funny and confident and RIDICULOUSLY handsome. They adore her, as they should. And she lives her life to make their life easier. I hope to be like that when I have kids some day.

My sister is ALWAYS there for her family. Every Birthday. Every Funeral. Her commitment to family is admirable and APPRECIATED. Miles don't matter. She believes in being there. That makes my heart happy.

I am saying all this Big Sister, to let you know just how much you mean to me. Life for us has not been easy. We have had quite the number of obstacles to overcome but just know that your love and attention has always made me a little stronger. You're life has made a difference to so many, but right now, I'm taking this time to say just how much you have impacted mine in Big, Huge, WONDEFUL ways.

You are beyond Lovely and I want you to know that. REALLY know that. Your heart, Your Love, Your Character...All of it! Simply Lovely.

I love you beyond words. Forever! Even when we don't talk all the time. Even when Feelings get hurt or Misunderstandings arise. I Love You!

Love Always,

Your Little Sister


  1. Hey sister! U r so amazing and that was such a beautiful post! It truly touched me and blessed my day. I love u and thank u so very much! :-)

  2. I love you so much Sister! I'm glad it touched you because you needed to know just how much you mean. MWHAA!
