Thursday, May 3, 2012

"Think Like A Man" & you'll know "He's Just Not That Into You"! "Tough Love" Baby!

^ I truly Love this Chic! She is just so damn adorable! But I digress...

There is a definite influx of Shows, Books, Movies etc where the premise is

"Girls, if you ever plan to land a man you are not going to do it by being yourself and acting like the woman you were created to be."

Now don't get me wrong. I have read books like "Why Men Love Bitches" and "The MANual". I have taken notes while watching movies like "He's Just Not That Into You" and Shows like "Tough Love" I have questioned my girlish nature and bit my tongue (not very often I must admit) when I start fancying a certain fella.


Why is it the girls job to change? Why is it our role to play this silly game?! FOR ONCE I'd like to see guys flock to the book stores to figure out how to please a Girl. How to be caring and strong. How to lead but know the wisdom of a woman and listen. This trend is fully one-sided.

I have 2 hypothesis..hypothesi?...Two guesses as to why this could be. And I am going to share.

A) Woman are seekers. If there is a book about how to be better...we will read it. WE CARE! We want to please. It is in our DNA to do so. We are maternal and giving. We tend to cater. I'm not saying all women are this way and that ALL MEN are not. I'm just saying that I think this trend is playing on this trait in us. Knowing full well that we will buy into a way to Land a Man. Why else would we yank hair from our bodies and scorch our skin and paint our faces. We do it to find true Love. AND to feel good about ourselves...but societally it is to Find a Soul Mate. What do men do? They watch sports and sweat and say "*Grunt* *Grunt* You're ass is so nice" and expect us to be wooed. which leads me to my next Profound idea...

2) Men do not embody the traits of the gentlemen anymore. I feel our parents generation did a great disservice to their sons. They no longer learn the art of a compliment. They no longer tip their hats to a young lady as she passes(sidenote: why don't more men wear cool hats) They no longer feel the need to be the head of a household, care for a family, LEAD! They grew up on video games and cell phones. A text has replaced a love note. They have not learned the art of wooing a lady. And I must say it makes me VERY SAD!

I want to open a gentlemen school. I want men to know how to treat a woman. NOT just like Ryan Gosling in Crazy, Stupid, Love

But, I won't lie, I wouldn't refuse his advances!

But I mean caring about the delicate heart of a woman. Caring for her. Loving her. BUT not being a total pussy at the same time. There is a fine line Guys...we don't want a GIRL we just want someone who knows how to treat us!

So here is my point. I am a grower. I am always interested in being better. BUT I'm not interested in playing a cat and mouse game. I AM interested in a mutual respect. I'm not interested in stroking your ego just for the sake of it. But I AM interested in stroking other parts of you if you care about my heart and well being.

It just needs to be even. When a guy puts in the effort that's when I will care too. I just don't want to buy into this non-sense that we are the only ones that need to learn the opposite sex. Because Men...YOU have a lot to learn too!


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