Thursday, August 23, 2012

I would walk 500 Miles: Life lessons from Benny & Joon

My computer went kaput on me and I am researching my first laptop purchase. In the meantime, I have been diving into my dvd collection every night for some good entertainment whilst I eat dinner. Last night I felt as though I had struck gold when I found Benny & Joon. I had forgotten I had it! This movie is QUITE WONDERFUL. If you have not seen it I highly encourage you to. OR, even better, come watch it with me!

As I watched I kept thinking, " I feel like this movie had a bigger affect on me than I realized as a teenager." And of course, "I LOVE YOU JOHNNY!!!!"

So I have compiled a list of life altering lessons to be (I have) learned from this tale of quirk, whit and love.

Sometimes it's ok to win strangers in a bet and let them live in your home. Ok, ok, not really. But I think the idea of being open to new things/people/experiences is what life is all about. Maybe sign up for that couch surfing site like you've wanted to and let people chill at your house whilst they travel the world. OR if you are feeling really brave, invite a vagrant in for dinner. Stretch those comfort zones and enjoy the ride

Making grilled cheese with an iron NEEDS to happen
More men should wear suspenders, vests and cool hats. (take note)

Raisins are grapes who had the life sucked out of them

Men who do dance numbers with dinner rolls and forks will win my heart whether or not they know how to read. I'm not sure how many of you know, but I have an intense love for one Pooh Bear named Winnie. This is because his simple wisdom is pure and profound. I see Sam (Johnny's Character) this same way. Life is this beautiful thing and we (I) spend SO MUCH time worrying and thinking and dwelling instead of just living. It feels good to work for my A-Ha! moments of simplicity, but some just have it naturally. And I kind of adore them.
Wordy girls with flowery expressions tend to be crazy. Eeep!

Read up on/watch more Buster Keaton films

And the most important life lesson learned is this: Even Juniper Pearl in all her amazing, crazy, intellectual, unstable glory found someone who loved her just the way she was. Now I know she is a fictional character & I will most likely never find a quirky, understanding, Johnny Depp look-alike with a knack for physical comedy of my very own, but the lesson remains. And that is that being happy with every single downfall you or I possess is key. We are not broken. We are not damaged. We are wonderful. This is not to say that we can't be better. But accepting oneself, even the things that you deem ugly or undesireable is imperative. And that is when, one day, you will find someone hanging out in a tree and twirling hubcaps and they will think you are wonderful too.

I've learned recently I feel a lot. I mean, I always knew, but I learned that not everyone does. So as I watched last night and my heart lept and sang and swelled and all the other fun things you can say your heart does when really it just pumps blood in and out, I was joyful in the woman I am.

Thanks Benny & Joon


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