Thursday, August 30, 2012

Musings of a Shy Extrovert

"Reading maketh a full man; conference a ready man; and writing an exact man."
-Francis Bacon

I used to be painfully shy, rather insecure, and stuck in my head. Call me crazy but I didn't like it so much. As of late, however,  I've been realizing the beauty that is The Introvert. How subtletly trumps brashness and quiet earned wisdom is worth more than loud combative opinons.

I worked really hard to rid myself of my shell. Wear my heart on my sleeve and be able to connect to others. I like people. I like making people feel good about themselves and I enjoy knowing I'm considered a safe place. You all know this, already...Hello Redundancy! So I'm assuming this is why I am considered an extrovert. The Myers Briggs Personality Indicator indicates I am an ENFP. EXTROVERT, Intuition, Feeling, Percieving. Most of it I understand. But why am i an extrovert? Because I'm so friendly? I wonder if I had taken this test back in the day if I would have gotten the same result. I have always adored people. Hmmm...Anyway, I digress.

My point is simply that I am considered an extrovert despite my incredibly shy childhood. I used to call myself a recovering introvert. Now, however, I don't believe it is something to recover from. Not everyone WANTS to have tons of friends nor do they get energized by the company of others. So I had to realize that people can actually be content with their introverted ways and pushing them to do otherwise is just kinda mean. "We are all different, Krystle, crazy huh?!"

With all this being said, I still believe I have introverted traits. I have an inward focus and a strong sense of self which makes me highly self-concious. And I bathe in name a few


I have been following the #VEDA (Vlog Ever Day in August)  posts by a few of my twitter friends. They are so fun and you REALLY get to know the participants. One of the topics was communication. I was watching Eleni's Post from that day and in it she discussed how she is much more comfortable when writing than in person. I first "met" her via her musings on her blog. She is brilliant! Her words about life have quite literally given me chills and caused misty eyes. So to hear her OWN her preffered form of communication was inspiring and got my wheels turning. And this is the ponderating that occured...

With the advent of constant written communication less and less people talk in person or create an actual connection with others. This is sad to me. Also it has been said that the internet is the "fake", "perfect" etc. version of yourself. I, myself, have often thought that if someone met me in person they would find out I am not as whitty and enjoyable in person as I "Seem" on the internet/through my writing.

But is this the truth? I mean. Just because you are taking your time to say exactly what you mean and saying it precisely the way you want to, does that make this version of yourself false? It lives in you. The words are still yours they just aren't as knee jerk when confronted with a constant flow of conversation. I can honestly say that when writing my blog it is rare that I pause. I tend to just let the thoughts flow through my fingers and hit Publish. From time to time I go back and edit misspells and grammatical errors etc. but for the most part the musings/what I am saying stays the same. When I am with someone in person though, I would never be this insightful or Eloquent. I stumble over words and correct myself over and again. But here, where I have time to form a solid topic and dwell and then put out there what I really want to say, I am ME. I am the person who lives inside and doesn't get to come out very often because Extrovert Krystle doesn't know how to shut up and just formulate solid points. She just spews streaming thoughts with no definition. Here, this place, is where I slow down, hone into my former shy/introverted self and let her out in all her wise and lovely glory.

So I  motion to stop thinking that the writer in us is the false version of us. In my opinion it is the purest and most honest. It's just the part of us that lives inside. It is in this place that we are Exactly who we are.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

I would walk 500 Miles: Life lessons from Benny & Joon

My computer went kaput on me and I am researching my first laptop purchase. In the meantime, I have been diving into my dvd collection every night for some good entertainment whilst I eat dinner. Last night I felt as though I had struck gold when I found Benny & Joon. I had forgotten I had it! This movie is QUITE WONDERFUL. If you have not seen it I highly encourage you to. OR, even better, come watch it with me!

As I watched I kept thinking, " I feel like this movie had a bigger affect on me than I realized as a teenager." And of course, "I LOVE YOU JOHNNY!!!!"

So I have compiled a list of life altering lessons to be (I have) learned from this tale of quirk, whit and love.

Sometimes it's ok to win strangers in a bet and let them live in your home. Ok, ok, not really. But I think the idea of being open to new things/people/experiences is what life is all about. Maybe sign up for that couch surfing site like you've wanted to and let people chill at your house whilst they travel the world. OR if you are feeling really brave, invite a vagrant in for dinner. Stretch those comfort zones and enjoy the ride

Making grilled cheese with an iron NEEDS to happen
More men should wear suspenders, vests and cool hats. (take note)

Raisins are grapes who had the life sucked out of them

Men who do dance numbers with dinner rolls and forks will win my heart whether or not they know how to read. I'm not sure how many of you know, but I have an intense love for one Pooh Bear named Winnie. This is because his simple wisdom is pure and profound. I see Sam (Johnny's Character) this same way. Life is this beautiful thing and we (I) spend SO MUCH time worrying and thinking and dwelling instead of just living. It feels good to work for my A-Ha! moments of simplicity, but some just have it naturally. And I kind of adore them.
Wordy girls with flowery expressions tend to be crazy. Eeep!

Read up on/watch more Buster Keaton films

And the most important life lesson learned is this: Even Juniper Pearl in all her amazing, crazy, intellectual, unstable glory found someone who loved her just the way she was. Now I know she is a fictional character & I will most likely never find a quirky, understanding, Johnny Depp look-alike with a knack for physical comedy of my very own, but the lesson remains. And that is that being happy with every single downfall you or I possess is key. We are not broken. We are not damaged. We are wonderful. This is not to say that we can't be better. But accepting oneself, even the things that you deem ugly or undesireable is imperative. And that is when, one day, you will find someone hanging out in a tree and twirling hubcaps and they will think you are wonderful too.

I've learned recently I feel a lot. I mean, I always knew, but I learned that not everyone does. So as I watched last night and my heart lept and sang and swelled and all the other fun things you can say your heart does when really it just pumps blood in and out, I was joyful in the woman I am.

Thanks Benny & Joon


Thursday, August 16, 2012

"So baby take an axe to your make-up kit" -Rx Bandits

So there was this time. When I was young(er) and invincible where my life was so full of adventure and I only lived by whim. Life was too short for responsibility and this band was the soundtrack to my life. I spent so many years crippled by insecurity and a horrible self image and here they were telling me I was BEAUTIFUL just how I was. Encouraging me to rid myself of all my beauty products and be confident without them. I actually spent about 6 months with no makeup. I swore it off completely. However, coupled with this burst of assurance was also a 50+ lb weight loss. I had gotten sick and food was my enemy. I lost weight without trying and was the thinest I had ever been...well...since grade school.

I looked a little like this...but then I started gaining it back

And kept gaining
Yes, I met the Jonas Brothers, don't be jealous.

And after a ruined friendship, A scare that I was going to lose my mom, and an unhappy relationship I tipped the scales at almost 250.

And along with my thin frame my self confidence was lost.

I was letting the Bandits down. I was letting myself down. I thought I had really grasped that whole self-confidence thing. I thought I had severed that tie that linked it to my weight. But in retrospect, it was anchored in my dress size. When I was thin, I quite literally had guys who had gone out of their way to be the assiest of Jack Asses to me, spitting lines of adoration. I scoffed at their advances with friends but loved that I finally had the upper hand. And you know what? It was because of the lowered number on my scale. And you know what else? It felt REALLY good.

I am now in this place of confusion. Trying so hard to be happy just exactly where I am. I am a gorgeous, loving, sassy, un-filtered gal with awesome boobs and a great ass. But I also have experience to tell me valuptuous Krystle isn't a widely desired version as compared to thin me. I can tell myself this every morning and it won't stop me from feeling a little less than when it comes to attracting the opposite sex. If it were just a life lived alone, with wonderful friends and nieces and nephews that love me I think I could be ok. And I am working incredibly hard to be totally and completely fine with that. However, I really do want someone to love someday. Someone to love me in return for all that I am.  And that is someone who is NEVER EVER EVER (Cue Taylor Swift) going to be a size 5. A woman who will most likely gain weight when I have kids and pain myself with MONTHS of dieting and exercise to get back to thin-town. A bird who is 5'9 and has to have bones showing in order to resemble thin because I am just not built to be tiny. And yet, I'm still not ok with this.

I'm struggling here guys. I am confident in most places. I love WHO I am. I am proud of WHAT I've achieved, I'm GRATEFUL for the people in this amazing life, and in truth this mug of mine is STUNNING. I have gorgeous blue eyes, eyelashes that touch the sky, porcelain smooth skin, perfect lips and my hair is enviable. It's just the stuff below, the middle ground and the appendages that I look at and feel a little bit of woe in my heart.

I thought it was time I shared a post that didn't have an answer. One that I am still struggling with and to ask for some encouragement. I am definitely on my way to losing the weight, but I so desperately want to be ok before that.

Look at this girl! She just climbed a water fall and her smile is radiant! She should most definitely see herself as GORGEOUS; body and all! Help her out with that, would you?



Written for you these words, the love of my life
the world is yours to discover
with brand new eyes
you're no player in a game of roles assigned
what you possess has no barter, no structure,
no insurmountable walls,
only barriers of perception

Don't you ever be afraid of all of your beauty
you can move without his words
or a grant of submission
Oh they try to smother
you're righteous ambition
and stifle your loving grace
they tell you its a little girl's place
to alter your convictions
no don't you wait...

Put it down, rhetoric
Shake it out now baby
They said you want it
they said you need it
but you don't need it anymore
(and you never did)

They thrust you their products
by making you feel insecure
the matriarch was murdered
and now woman is a four letter word
Put a price on your body
to convince you that it's all you're worth

they are afraid of the power they lose
and the gift of creation
so don't you ever listen!

Thursday, August 9, 2012

I'm your biggest fan, I'll follow you until you love me.


Hi. My name is Krystle and I'm an uber fan. Magazines such as these were my crack cocaine as a pre-pubescent girl and I salivated over every last trivial detail regarding my favorite celebrity crushes. Ask me what Justin Timberlakes favorite childhood toy was and I could tell you. (It was toy guitars BTW) Oh, you didn't care? Too bad. Somehow this made me feel closer to them. Like I knew them. We were friends.

Ok. ok. Before you get all "you are verging on crazy stalker status". I never hid in their closets or anything disturbing like that. I may have written silly love notes in hopes they'd see my heart and fall in love with me. Which, now that I think of it, is far more embarrasing.

I entered adulthood never really ridding myself of this fanatisicm. When I learned I could follow bands/musicians of the underground variety and ACTUALLY TALK TO THEM!! I was hooked. I soon became on a first name basis with some of the greatest artists of my day (you know, in my humble opion) and basked in their inspiring glow.

*Enter the advent of Social Media*

Uh oh! Now normal people can be stalked and you can know frivilous things about them too! You can spend hours looking at their pictures and reading how amazing their lives are. It is socially acceptible to share too much information with the world and have "followers". Even more so, it is totally cool to "follow" strangers and comment on their daily lives. At first this seemed ideal. I was normal afterall. Everyone does it now. I wasn't so weird to memorize things about someone I had never met and *ahem* kinda feel an attachment to them based on this information. So TOTALLY O.K.

Except...It's kinda not. ESPECIALLY for me. One of my Best Friends once told me that I am not just a friend. That I'm more like a fan of the people I love. It was one of the best compliments I could have ever recieved, because I was a VERY PASSIONATE fan. So if that same fervor showed through in my love of REAL PEOPLE then I must be doing something right. But you see, the problem is, I'm a fan of the people I love. So it's just a slippery slope when it comes to having access to intel on actual people I can talk to. Soon I'm daydreaming about being their best friend and what fun we will have. OR planning our fictional first date.

So I guess what I'm saying is...I need an intervention. A Fanatics intervention. I need to limit the amount of useless propoganda I insert in this ravenous brain and instead fill it with things like philosophy and How awesome I am.

Honestly, I kind of feel like I should only know about you the things you tell me personally. Because that is when you are actually saying "I trust you. You are a friend." So feel free to share with me whatever you want. But I'm going to try and limit the amount of facts I gather via the interwebs and wait patiently for you to invite me in.

Hey, Did you know that Morgan  met her husband on Myspace and had a Tiffany inspired wedding?! Like that...things like that. Guh! This is going to be hard!